채용정보 Glory rising, a Man of value

글로벌식음료브랜드 전문기업 제조공급부문 인재개발매니저
등록일 : 2024-03-28


포지션제목 글로벌식음료브랜드 전문기업 제조공급부문 인재개발매니저
분류 외국계기업 직급 대리이상
등록일 2024-03-28 마감일 채용시



- Design and implement comprehensive BU Level learning and development initiatives including mentoring, expert, talent sourcing and career management for Supply chain (Supply/Logistics/Procurement) by collaborating with Zone L&D

- Tailor and customize Zone cascaded initiatives such as PTE/RTE (expertise program), Autonomous (Voluntary activities to improve way of working or process, etc.) and SKAP (skill acquisition process)

- Assess skill gaps of frontline employees and process engineers and design targeted training interventions.

- Keep updating expert (PTE/RTE) guidance and providing current PTE/RTE with the requirements of expertise program.

- Analyze performance data of frontline employees to identify areas for improvement and adjustment.

- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align learning and development initiatives with organizational goals.

- Leverage various digital instructional methods, including e-learning platforms, to accommodate diverse learning preferences.

- Conduct needs assessment about individual learning and development aspiration.

이하 생략 



- Level of Education: Bachelor's degree

- Min. 3 years of relevant work and/or experience

- Strong analytic skills with the ability to assess training needs and measure outcomes.

- Strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities.

- Ability to collaborate effectively in a team-oriented environment.

이하 생략 

담당 컨설턴트

이름 심민용 전화 010-9095-4864