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((트렌드모니터)) 인사담당자들이 챙겨야 할 AI시대의 사무환경

관리자 2024.06.28 조회 226

인사담당자들이 챙겨야 할 AI시대의 사무환경

AI시대 인사의 역할 5.png

Mercer News & Notes returns to bring you more insights, 

research and bold ideas for June.

AI가 이제 일상이 되어가고 있다. 하지만 이로인해 사무실 및 근로환경에 다가올 혁신적 변화는 이제 시작되고 있다. 

그러다 보니 현장의 리더들 이제 뒷전에 머물지 말고 좀 더 눈여겨 봐야 할 것이며 특히 업무에 AI가 통합적용되면서 비즈니스 목표에 맞는 최적의 인재배치 및 육성에 더욱 신경쓰기를 조언하고 있다. 무엇보다도 Ravin과 Alex는 직무와 휴머니티에 대한 직무적 소명을 HR관리자들은 도전해야 할 것이라고 첨언하였다.

AI has become a fixture of everyday life, but its transformative potential is just being unlocked in the workplace. As business leaders race to harness its potential, a new responsibility falls on human resources to ground their organizations and lead the charge in creating fulfilling workplaces and helping people thrive in an era of transformative technological change.

With the integration of AI, organizations will likely find growing skills and a recurring need to align talent with shifting business goals and an ever-changing business landscape. This creates a pressing need for HR to move beyond steward of employment to become stewards of work and humanity. 

In our latest perspective from Ravin Jesuthasan and Alex Zea, we explore three core steps on how HR can take on this mission:

  • Ethical use of AI: Cross silos to work with other functions to effectively and ethically manage the relationships between humans and machines.

  • Safeguarding ESG: Ensure the organization is keeping faith with growing societal trust and use AI in a way that doesn’t negatively impact humans.

  • Preserving human well-being: Shepherd the movement to AI and automation and ensure that the benefits of AI enhance the employee experience.

Discover how HR can help both organizations and their people thrive in an age of AI.

((출처)) 머서 링크드인 6월